The Didik Muscle Car is a unique human/solar electric powered
vehicle capable of carrying 3 adults at speeds of up to 21 mile per
hour. The vehicle is human powered (one or two people can pedal) with
an auxiliary solar/electric propulsion system.
It incorporates the latest structural and design technologies
available today. On electric power alone, the vehicle is capable of
speeds of up to 14 miles per hour. The Didik Muscle Car can be driven
as a convertible or with its unique, aerodynamic, all weather top.
The Didik Muscle Car is constructed of welded thin wall steel tubing
and is built to racing car standards. Though primarily human powered,
the Didik Muscle Car is considerably safer then a standard bicycle.
Safety features includes standard automobile height front and rear
crash bumpers, front halogen headlights as well as a large array of
rear and side warning lights. When driven with the top up, the top
acts as a safety roll bar.
steering column is adjustable. The vehicle is 8 feet (96")
long, 5 feet (54") wide and 6' high (with top up). The Didik
Muscle car can be made to go through a standard household doorway
(28"). The vehicle was designed to comply with New York State
regulations pertaining to human powered vehicles and is therefor not
required to be insured or registered. The Didik Muscle Car is very
comfortable to ride in and indescribably fun to drive! The DIDIK
Muscle Car is a concept vehicle designed to show that a comfortable,
environmentally safe vehicle can be built that is efficient, safe and
fun to drive. Though the vehicle is not intended for general
production, the projected cost of the vehicle, if it were to be
produced is estimated to be around $2400. If you would like
additional information, please contact us. The Didik Muscle Car was
designed and built by Frank Didik who has designed a large number of
solar, electric, hybrid, and human powered vehicles.
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Frank Didik
and Copyright Information
1982-2001 by Frank Didik. All Rights Reserved.
It is requested that a copy of any quotation be sent to the
author by conventional postal mail or electronic mail.
Muscle Car, Foldable Muscle Car, Shooting Star, Sun Shark are marks
of Frank Didik. DIDIK is a Registered Trademark |


