EASTERN EUROPEAN BUSINESS DIRECTORY: For the first time ever, business people can quickly determine who produces what in Eastern Europe. The annual 1100 page Eastern European Business Directory covers almost all large, medium and important smaller companies in Bulgaria, Czecho-Slovakia, Eastern Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania and the area of the former Soviet Union. The book is divided into three sections, which each company indexed by principal product or service, company name and by location. The type of information contained in this book can take years of working in an industry to acquire and is not available on the Internet. The book is available in most libraries or can be purchased exclusively through Gale Research, Inc. (head office: Detroit, MI 48232-5477) with offices located throughout the United States, Europe, Australia and Asia. By Frank Didik. ISBN: 0-8103-8401-9. $275.00. Gale order number: 101243-M99188 1-800-877-GALE
DIRECTORY OF AMERICAN BUSINESSES: This is a unique annual directory published in many languages covering the largest 5,000 companies in the United States. For Eastern Europe, the book is presently published in POLISH, HUNGARIAN, and CZECH by the leading publishers in each of those countries under long term license from us. Each edition has approximately 380 pages and is divided into sections. Each company is listed alphabetically by the principal product or service which they offer and by alphabetically by company name. The book allows companies in each country to DIRECTLY contact American companies without going through middle men. The book is also available in non-Eastern European countries and languages. The book is used primarily by the directors of larger business entities and import-export companies. Prices ranges from $12.00 to $20.00 depending on country and language. By Frank Didik. ISBN: 1-56840-002-0. 380 pages.
Eastern Europe Business Database CD-ROM: The Eastern Europe Business Database CD-ROM is the largest "who produces what" information database ever compiled on Eastern Europe and the area covered by the former USSR. It contains over 25,000 pages of information including data on over 120,000 key companies in Eastern Europe as well as well as other information. This product is a must for any company doing
On-Line Computer Database: In the United States we maintain an on-line computer database which contains the latest business and related information that we have on Eastern Europe. You can access this information anytime day or night with your computer, and telephone modem. We are in the process of licensing this system in different countries. Please contact us for information on obtaining an account or licensing information.
Special Industrial Reports: Special Reports, Industry Analysis, Project management: With our vast business databases and excellent contacts, we are in a unique position to offer unsurpassed detailed customized reports, programs and analysis on almost all industries and areas in Eastern Europe. Please contact us for further information regarding this area.
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