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Random thoughts by Frank Didik on science, business and society today

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On Science


  Has real science collapsed? What percentage of information, contained in science books is accurate and true? It would seem that theories, speculation and fantasy rules today. Science is the concept of having and idea and being able to prove the idea to be correct through direct experimentation and regardless how often the same experiment is performed, the same results always occur. If a person comes up with a theory, but it is not possible to test this theory through experimentation, than the theory is nothing more than unproven speculation. Sadly, in todays science books and what is commonly believed by the bulk of the masses of people, is theory, which is nothing more than unproven speculation or fantasy. Unfortunately so many theories have been put forth and repeated over and over that most people now believe that these theories or speculations are true, without any proof or experimental data whatsoever. Since some of these theories have become the mainstay of many social and political issues, and since these speculations are presented as "fact" in schools across the world, some people have become almost fanatical in defending these speculations, without ever considering if they are right or wrong.

  Science is the meticulous practice of testing and re-testing ideas and always getting the same results. What may seem to be true or logical, can not be accepted as fact until it has been tested and re-tested with the same final results. Galileo showed this to us when he changed the world view that a heavier object when dropped at the same time as a light object, will hit the ground first. He proved that they both hit the ground at the same time. What we are dealing with today is a desire to explain all phenomena, in some manner, even if we don't have the slightest bit of true scientific evidence to prove the scientific fantasies or delusions, commonly called "theories".

  The methodology of scientists today is often to come up with what seems to the scientist as a reasonable explanation for something, and then to spend years and years studying the idea, using grant money and or working at a learning institution. After many years of research, it is very difficult for most people to either admit that they are still not sure or to admit failure, unless the failure is so completely obvious. Further, the concept of "peer review" can have the effect of being flawed since the peers are often feel compelled to go easy with one of their own. The result is that critical errors and flaws can creep into science books and journals and over time, become accepted without testing its accuracy.

Thus the question is, what percentage of scientific theories and accepted un-tested notions will hold up over time and be considered accurate and true? Five percent? Twenty percent? This remains to be seen. I suggest that basic testable materials be re-tested using modern technology and certify the results. Melting and boiling points, conductivity, hardness, and all physical properties of materials should be re-tested Anything that is testable should be re-tested.---Frank X. Didik 2001

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(Brooklyn, New York City, USA)

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This page is from November 12, 2015, though is based on thoughts by Frank Didik dating back many years.










