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Random thoughts by Frank Didik on science, business and society today

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Random thoughts on science, business
and society today by Frank Didik.

What if and what can or might be.


What if the decay rate of elements varies rather than being a constant? Imagine, if this is the case, it would mean that all archeological dating is in question. How old are artifacts? When in fact did the dinosaurs really die out? Further, consider that ... read more

What is the speed of gravity? If it is instantaneous, then what if gravity can be modulated? Today most scientists, assume that the speed of gravity is the same as the speed of light, but what if the speed of gravity is instantaneous? Further, if gravity can be modulated, it might allow for instantaneous universal communication. Thus it might be possible to communicate with space craft instantly, rather than waiting for minutes for transmissions to reach the craft or earth. Perhaps computer chips can be made to operate vastly faster. And this is just the beginning since ...read more


Reason, Logic and intellect is not reliable. The late Christopher Hitchens often stated that we should rely on our logic, reason and intellect to determine the truth. Many people who pride themselves as educated, intelligent and progressive believe the same. As reasonable as this seems, Galleleo proved over 400 years ago that our logic, reason and intellect is unreliable and that only direct experimental data, should be relied upon. Galileo had dropped two balls of the same material, but different masses, from the Leaning Tower of Pisa to demonstrate that they would hit the ground at the same time, rather than the heavier ball hitting the ground first, as almost everyone, including Aristotle, 2000 years ago, had assumed. Our logic, reason and intellect is not reliable and should only be viewed as speculation. Only direct experimentation and obtaining the same results, over and over again should be relied upon.


Bicycles? What ever happened to jet packs, flying cars and advanced technology that in the past, was predicted that we would be using by today? Why are bicycles being pushed by cities world wide?...read more


The 1956 Firebird was to be self driving.

Self Driving Cars? If you have an accident with a self driving car, who is at fault? The car manufacturer, the owner of the car or the occupant "driver" of the car? I have enjoyed owning and driving some of the most interesting cars made and have always enjoyed the freedom of driving without impediments or restrictions. Nevertheless, if self driving cars can help reduce accidents and enhance society, I am for them. Besides the technical aspects, there are many other issues that must be worked out. My concerns regarding self driving cars including liability, safety, morality and effectiveness. ...read more


Old Computer Formats and the longevity of our digitally stored knowledge. Are we entering into a "pre-history" era? How can we preserve our computer written records, books, photographs, video and knowledge? We must have an international agreement and an organization, perhaps under auspices of the United Nations, dedicated to preserving our global digital records so that future generations can access the information and knowledge that we store on computer readable formats.

            If you wanted to, would you be able to read a:

              3 1/2" or 5 1/4" or 8" floppy?
              cd-rom or a dvd?
              12" optical disk?
              9 track tape?
              IBM punch card?
              Paper punch tape?

If you can not read these one or two generation old formats today, how will society be able to read these documents in 200 years from now? In a few years, our latest computer formats and storage devices, such as USB drives, will also be obsolete. I have deep concerns about the longevity of our knowledge and of computer records, ...read more


On Education
Rethinking school and our education system

  • Should everyone attend college or university? ... read more

  • Can a college or a university really teach a person to be a businessman or an artist or good in any particular field? ... read more

  • How come all college undergraduate degree's require four years? Should some degrees require only one year while others perhaps six years? ... read more

  • What courses should and should not be taught at college or university? Can college or a university teach a person how to be a good business person, or how to be creative? ... read more


On Business

Investing in Startups. Good idea or bad? Is investing in a Startup, that has never proven itself in the market place, a good idea or a waste of money (and talent)? Historically, investors invested in companies that were swamped with orders and making money, but needed additional money to ... read more

Most efficient brain-storming method and how to make morning office meetings more productive and interesting ... read more


Superior advertising results

Producing the very best and most effective TV commercials The single purpose of a television commercial is to sell the product or service. The fact that an advertisement might be interesting, funny, informative or well produced is secondary to the main purpose, which is to sell the product or service. One should never leave the creation of the television commercial to the television producer or the video editor. ... read more

Building the most effective business websites Never let a "web designer" develop the website for you. A web designer should be produce the website under the supervision of an on line marketing master, usually working with ... read more


Population Control


There is an alternative to population control. Restricting and discouraging the formation of families in order to stabilize or reduce population infringes on the freedom and rights of every human. There is another much better approach...read more


On Science

Questioning the results of modern science. For the last 100 years, we have been experiencing the collapse of real science. Theories, speculation and fantasy is the norm today. By definition, the scientific method is the ability to test and re-test and always get the same results, over and over. If an idea or a theory can not be tested, the idea must be viewed as speculation and not considered true, till that idea is proven without a doubt. Scientific theory has moved to areas that are beyond our present capability of testing and gradually a number of unproven theories have become accepted as fact without any real proof. Further, new theories have been developed based on old theories. Thus we have a situation where science today is largely based on theory upon theory. If something can not be proven, it falls into the realm of philosophy rather than science. This has led to...read more


  • What if time varies along with all things, rather than being a constant? Consider that...read more


  • Can the speed of light vary, even if traveling under the same conditions, or in other words, is the speed of light really a constant? According to Einstein's theory of relativity, the speed of light is a constant but ...read more


  • Science and media hype: Any sudden "revolutionary" scientific discovery, even if such discovery is written about in every newspaper and scientific journal, should be greeted with skepticism. Such a discovery should only be accepted after the bulk of scientists have have had a chance to review the discovery and confirm that it is in fact correct. Such things that come to mind include cold fusion, the so called "God Particle" and even the recent stated discovery of a "gravitational wave". All too often such media hype has come and gone without any real discovery or fundamental change. ..read more


  • What percentage of information, contained in science books is accurate and true? Are we in a post science period? Many science books today present ...read more


  • It is time to retest scientific properties. Verify results. I suggest that the properties of all materials be re-tested using modern technology and certify the results. Melting and boiling points, conductivity, hardness, and all physical properties of materials should be re-tested ...read more


  • Honesty and integrity in scientific research is essential in order to advance our knowledge base. When a scientist has worked for years to prove a particular theory and finds out that their work has been in vain, it is difficult to admit that their original assumptions were wrong. Still it is vitally important ..read more


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(Brooklyn, New York City, USA)

Copyright© 1989 - 2015 by Frank X. Didik, All Rights Reserved
DIDIK® is a registered Trademark at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

This page is from November 12, 2015, though is based on thoughts by Frank Didik dating back many years.












