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Journalist Resource Database
Designed to be used by reporters, editors and journalists

Email addresses to over 15,000 reporters and over 6000 publishers and much more!

To order by telephone, please call
(800) 903-4152
 and ask for product code 165208.
Thank you.

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Total Price is $29.95
Price is for a one year license.
Sold as-is No Returns
IBM Compatible only

  The new Journalist Resource Database is an amazing tool first designed and compiled for our staff and for our clients in the news bushiness including reporters, publishers, editors and other journalists. So reporters, advertisers, writers, authors, students and freelance journalists have requested copies of this that we have developed a special, low cost version of the Journalist Resource Database which can be purchased on-line for $36.95 using your credit card and downloaded. What is so special about this program? Well frankly we are not sure, but it does contain the following valuable and hard to find information that many advertisers, public relations people, students and freelance writers seek and need to further their activities and careers including:

The Journalist Resource Directory has become the leading source of information for many reporters in the New York City region ... as well as many reporters from around the world. Please click below for details, screen shot and ordering information. For 100% IBM compatible computers only. Thank you.

For Details


To order by telephone, please call
(800) 903-4152
 and ask for product code 165208.
Thank you.

 Order on-line now
Total Price is $29.95
Price is for a one year license.
Sold as-is No Returns

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